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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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frustration over mounting cuts bills over into violent clashes in spain people across the eurozone demanding an end to bailout sponsored austerity. seeking solutions global leaders gather at the un went to talk of serial conflicts in the middle east and drawing a case for war with the help of a call to malta. provides julian assaulted with a link to the u.n. as he slams washington for some open source of blowers and breeding secrets.
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hello and welcome to our in teens the weekly. broadcasting to live from our studio moscow well europeans have been venting their anger and dance their governments bowing down to brussels saddling them with increasingly tough cuts in madrid protesters have clashed with police throwing stones and bottles at officers happened several injuries and arrests of groups has been following the protests. sometimes grief from spain have proven the body of bands the austerity protest in the year is our first time passes their frustrations and anger only seem to be hardening lessening to challenge the cloud providers this weekend politician i think that i'm a particular set out as many people feel they're already being fed a diet of police westerners promises by bruised protesters ambassador buildings becoming the euro zone's currency from athens to madrid capitals this week have been braced for an onslaught of the angry and indignant. boss to
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get out all the bleach and sun press here a surge mushers job benefit us they just benefit a very few people. on the european union on the banks these are cheats of betrayal the first force that increase. the no george more and that is the agreements between greece and it's not just in this state without any going through negotiation they have promised to mismatch of and the other european leaders just to implement. last athens so far bones amassed spaniards claim they were victims of police brutality chasing down protesters they find rubber bullets into crowds the injury count from just one night topping sixty this will last as long as austerity law says as neoliberal
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austerity lasts and as long as. it's going to last as long as it needs to last until people's daily means i met the m.t.s. territories rank and file have most recently been posted by portuguese protesters a nation known for its tolerance of bailout sponsored cutbacks reforms that put the owner. it's a social security payments on workers appear a step too far but this week's hot spot remains madrid where three demonstrations oppose real resistance to the government's public sector cutbacks here the surround congress movement has called for the dissolution of parliament but their heavy claims may do the group more harm than good because alone in separatism with the potential for spain to lose twenty percent of its current output more likely because the government yet more sleepless nights but prime minister a whole new budget shows no concessions to anti austerity protesters with forty
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billion euros or fresh cuts economists and activists alike have labeled the move as pandering to e.u. euro zone and i.m.f. demands adding fuel to the fire as people populate his central madrid sas day to hurl accusations at police and the politicians they share old jake agrees r.t. madrid and in spain's wealthiest region catalonia parliament has voted in favor of holding an independence referendum that's despite the spanish government saying it would stop any move towards it breaking away professional international finance and a european university export market where all that argo says bars a lot of us frustrated with our madrid as treating at. i'm from barcelona in catalonia we complain about this one is government position within that they should do more things we have discovered dream in catalonia of eleven percent this is
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unique in the walled region that there is or in the world that based more and receive less by their own state and that one not one of the reasons not the only one but one of the reasons that people in catalonia or creating a new estate in you it's clear that the situation has been the communication is not good in fact in south europe is going war so we had to take me for a senior in high think a more growth in the economy not just austerity measures but having more growth in the economy and european labor we have to build a force to recover the economy on the continent and to create more jobs is the main objective i think in the coming weeks and the coming months this week the u.n. general assembly is annual get together saw almost two hundred world leaders coming to new york to push through their political agenda but the crisis in syria and unrest across the middle east and beyond quote bring global attention some like israel's prime minister still managed to steal the show with
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a cartoonist illustration of the complexities of iran's nuclear program parties marina porno wraps up the speeches. as world leaders gathered for the annual un general assembly international anger over and islamophobia american film was still blazing in the muslim world addressing the world body u.s. president barack obama condemned the video nonetheless defending the right to free speech as president of our country and commander in chief of our military i accept that people are going to call me awful things every day. and i will always defend their right to do so obama also pledged his support for arab spring nations like egypt and libya however when egypt's new president spoke at the un for the first time mohamed morsi said free speech will not be accepted as a free pass to insult islam holy prophet. the obscenities recently released as part
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of an organized campaign against islamic sentences is unacceptable and requires a firm stand egypt respects freedom of expression one that is not directed towards one specific religion or culture but the opening of the un general assembly is usually criticized as political theater with a lot of talk this year however there was no talking with us president barack obama the leader of the country hosting the un left immediately after his speech on day one and held no bilateral meetings on day to the eighth and final speech of the always controversial iranian leader so accusations of corrupt western politics and a subtle tipping of the hot to the occupy wall street movement are we to believe that those who spend hundreds of millions of dollars in election campaigns have the interests of the people of the world at their heart in the united states and in europe their voices are not heard even if they constitute ninety nine percent of
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their societies meanwhile israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu called for a military all tomato on iran over its nuclear program using some surprising methods to illustrate his point this is a bomb this is a fuse a red line should be drawn right here before iraq completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment. necessary to make a bomb israel stole the show in more ways than one would be. what's more the wiley coyote nuclear bomb. here really good of her tan that we're going to pretend that the you don't know what a nuclear bomb hoax like. here israel. one downstairs and look in the basement on another us show russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov recalled another time props were used at the u.n.
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to garner support for military intervention. when my good friend colin powell colin powell was shaking this violet's some white ball in there in the security council. that nearly can see what they're doing us unless we also writes the use of force against iraq we would be on their own thought the fuse three. and the turned out to be that there was no anthrax in the file today russia and the u.s. remain divided over how to end the civil war in syria moscow says some countries supporting the opposition are turning a blind eye to terrorist attacks committed by the rebels and you say push syria even deeper into the of base of bloody internet scene strife in the militarization of the conflict is continuing with calls of an open intervention russia says confidence in the un has also been compromised by unilateral actions taken against countries like iran and now syria stero consequences to unilateral
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sanctions imposed by state group of states sidestepping the un to advance their political goals we have no doubt that such sanctions especially when they are applied next territorially weaken the unity of the international community and undermine the effectiveness of its efforts the un was originally founded as an arena for all parties to respectfully discuss issues and diplomatically collaborate on solutions as the sixty seventh year of the general assembly begins many are left wondering why at least one country has cemented a pattern of acting alone in a port ny r.t. new york. in syria well blaze which swept through ancient markets in the city of aleppo has extensively damaged the heritage site reports say the fire started by gun fights between government and rebel forces has destroyed hundreds of chums also this week the country's capital damascus was rocked by
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a twenty explosions the free syrian army claimed responsibility for targeting a key military compound killing five people including an iranian journalist a countries that backed the rebels stopped short of condemning the attacks instead moving on the sidelines of the u.n. washington and its our allies pledged additional multimillion dollar aid to the syrian opposition to help fight against assad political analyst jake of hornberger says u.s. intentions in the region are driving syria further from a peaceful solution. well it's a standard policy of the us government it is it is designed to oust rulers of regimes that are independent of what might be called the us military empire and replace them with pro-u.s. rulers so we have the dichotomy of supporting dictators in country their loyal to the us government in trying to oust dictators if they are not loyal to the us going to the us is committed to the ouster of the assad regime and whenever you hear the
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united nations it is just designed for the american taxpayer the american voter create the appearance that the us is interested in spreading democracy and freedom when in fact it has a long history of supporting dictatorial regimes in saudi arabia even iran under the shah of iran syria itself don't forget that the cia used the assad regime to torture some of its rendition torture victims and so the the whatever goes on in the un is really ridiculous and senseless. and later we hear from wiki leaks spokesperson kristinn hrafnsson who says the u.s. name angel as an enemy of the state will see him treated as a terrorist if extradited at their. years with serious concern to us extradited here you would be treated as the enemy an enemy combatant.
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and we all know what that entails this is an indication we see in the documents that have surfaced that show that that communicating with we can loose and provided we can use with information in considered which is kidding with anybody which is aiding the enemy. we can use the. what if we can use it but we were getting no cure for what we are doing what and you were going to and should be doing we are doing journalism and the implication is that journalism getting the truth out there is considerate. of me. and you can watch the full interview with the work you expose person to and just over an hour here on our still to come this hour though treasured all islands china and japan take to the seas over just muted territory we investigate what's behind
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the conflict. says parliamentary election is near and georgia and the opposition movement seems to be gaining momentum the government tries to boost its ratings with method some find question. the stories and much more coming your way after a short break stay with r.t. . flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is dr run amir brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snow a wilderness as a boy here suffering favre and the doctors are going to see what they can do.
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inside a small building not one but two babies and their parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in atlanta they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so a medical problem simply fixed here in the tent. they used to be but now we can go to civilize places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there has been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate
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or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations that amir firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals are waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is. the jeevan after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north. welcome back to the program we are watching our team from moscow well this week seen a further deterioration in relations between asia's two largest economies the dispute flared up over a cluster of islands in the east china sea which both china and japan claim as
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their own taiwan is the third player to join me on standoff tom martin takes us through the events. the dispute between japan and china over the islands in the east china sea has now expanded to include taiwan it all began when a taiwanese flotilla of fishing boats escorted by coast guard vessels set off to try and reinforce their claim to the islands however when they met with the japanese coast guard vessel something of a giant water fight ensued. in the area surrounding the disputed islands the japanese coast guard vessels used their water cannon on the taiwanese fishing boats the thai were nice coast guard vessels then turned their water cannon on the japanese ships a few hours after it all started the taiwanese vessels withdrew but all of this was watched by nearby chinese vessels that were waiting outside of the disputed waters
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the islands themselves are a small group of unpopulated rocky outcrops attention really began after it was thought that there may be large mineral resources in the surrounding waters japan has been holding meetings with china to try and calm the dispute this latest tension began after japan bought the islands from a private owner and nationalize them that caused huge protests in a number of chinese cities china has made it clear that the japan should be under no illusion in the dispute and that it will accept no infringement it says of what it considers its territorial integrity taiwan japan and china all claim the islands as their own and there are other players including the us that have security interests in the region domestic politics in both china and japan are due to undergo large changes in the coming months and that puts pressure on the leaders
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there to show that they are not backing down all of which has led to fears that this dispute over these small islands could lead to some very big consequences. investigative journalist james corba things washington will do its best to fan the flames of the dispute. a sense of believe this is about the potential boiling gas reserves that have been estimated to be in that area but i think we have to understand this entire dispute not into rooms of the islands themselves this is being played up as a as a nationalist sentiment nationalist fervor it has the potential to get bigger it will see if it does meld into the region we see the u.s. starting its egypt pacific pivot so i think it actually has an interest in it increasing tensions between japan and china because that makes japan ever more eager to accept it and the american military presence which up until now has been
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quite strong protest against but now we see them renewing military and joint military exercises in guam etc so so it is increasing the japanese reliance on the american security blanket as it as it were and i think that's that plays into american interests china comes up again another stories on our website are two telecom this time china fabio hates the u.s. as president obama orders a chinese company to abandon an american investment. also on our website for small children will have just spent a year apart from their russian mother has finished its falsely accuse their family of child abuse find out why it happened on archie dot com. a hundred thousand opposition supporters have rallied in the georgian capital tbilisi as the country gears up for parliamentary elections on monday the leaders of the opposition announced at the demonstration their shore of their victory but
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president saakashvili is ruling party still controls nearly eighty percent of the parliament and is ahead in the polls that's despite its campaign having that been hit hard by corruption allegations and a prison abuse scandal which brought down cabinet ministers and triggered mass protests the government has also been trying to boost its ratings as some claim at the expense of a neighboring country here's artes you go to school. the outcome of a recent alleged police operation near georgia's border with russia's republic of dagestan eleven suspected terrorist dead the b.b.c. says that the armed men were chechens who crossed into georgian territory and kidnapped around ten locals before being caught by police the news spreads quickly but not everyone's buying it you know this was all organized by georgian security services the lack of transparency and details about the incident has led many to
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believe the whole so-called eighty terror operation was a complete hoax georgian of forty seven very successful in creating an image of a modern western civil rights a beacon of freedom by force w. bush once called it but in this case the opposition is accusations are fighting supporters on the other side of the caucasus meets his city on the arm of he spent two decades fighting on the side of chechen militants against the moscow officially representing them in georgia he also has doubts about what really happened at this latest water operation but. first of all their weapons were american made second none of them fired off a single shot that's not so the uniforms of the so-called fighters were brand new that was saakashvili plan he sent his guys across the border into russia and then had been shot by the georgian police this was a setup just to frame russia no one will ever be able to prove anything of course.
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he said he cleans the beaches for dijon with terrorists began in the ninety's when he personally helped chechen separatists by delivering weapons and age from georgian. surely the pankisi gorge in georgia is really close to chechnya it takes just ten minutes to fly across the border by helicopter so we helped our warriors from georgian territory from the gorge we delivered weapons money. the injured and then send them all around the world for treatment and all with the help of georgian security services and. we got the weapons from the depositories of the georgian antiterrorist center our guys came there with cash were able to choose whichever weapons they wanted and bought them an. album of really interesting jewish mildred's didn't even after president saakashvili came to power a man often bridge street as an envoy of democracy. everything is still controlled by the anti-terrorist center the mujahideen and the gym are are in its hands they
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are their people any chechen who lives in georgia and wants to study in an islamic country has to go through the antiterrorist center they tell you to tbilisi you go to this center meet with some official and they won't let you go into you say yes to you agree to work for them although of graeme's that his knowledge almost cost him his life following an assassination attempt he was allowed to return to church with a green light from russian authorities after he asked for forgiveness now he plans to reveal everything he knows you are just going off the grossly the chechen republic now look at some other news that's making headlines around the world at least nineteen people have been killed in a series of car bombings across iraq targeting shia communities the deadliest blast rocked a shiite homes in the mainly sunni town of tal some twenty kilometers north of the capital of baghdad one person was killed and seven others injured near the capital
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when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive power to be a car around has been gripped by violence since u.s. troops withdrew from the country. anyway but their entire merican protest has spread across bangladesh where thousands of people rallying in the capital of dhaka demonstrators anger with a u.s. made film marking the path that mohamed clash. with police and urge the execution of the filmmaker responsible over fifty people including the u.s. ambassador to libya that been killed in similar actions across the arab world. a member of nato staff and a civilian contractor one hundred been killed in eastern afghanistan and an apparent green on blue attack assaults by afghan army soldiers have increased an increase sharply with fifty two foreign troops having been killed by their counterparts this year on loan this latest incident brings the number of u.s. military personnel who have died in the conflict to two thousand as nato plans its
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full withdrawal from the country but twenty fourteen. people have been shot dead in venice well are in clashes between supporters of president hugo chavez and his nearest rival in the upcoming presidential elections and wreak company less the victims were members of the country's off position parties witnesses say the shooters were inside a vehicle owned by the state run oil company come a may be ongoing presidential campaign where long serving chavez seeks to retain his presidency. shortly on our team we find out what it takes to stage a full scale reenactment of the famous battle of both of them do you know all where in the polling and armies took to the field against russia on september eighteenth twelve. the mighty volga that runs deep through the russian soul has provided inspiration
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for songs and poems and is the country's main north south artery and decades ago schumann ingenuity connected it to the dawn river to the west the vocal dawn canal is an engineering marvel within a day a vessel can pass the canals thirteen blocks ten million tons of shipping does so every year. another concrete giant is this finished fifty years ago it's the biggest hydroelectric plant in europe it powers the local city of volgograd and sends lots more electricity to moscow hydroelectric plant behind me is a potent example of how much the volga can provide but harnessing the revel like this isn't without its cost. fishermen have been watching fish stocks for years they see the slow damage the downing of the river has done especially to russia's prized sturgeon the source of caviar. the hydroelectric plant has done significant
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damage because it stocked fish swimming up river to the spawning grounds. within a year all these houses would have gone fallen into the river depending on how many of the hydroelectric plants turbines are on the water level can change suddenly and dramatically too suddenly for the banks to absorb. control of the river flow by the plant has made building on the shoulders floodplain more attractive serious floods are less likely but the water that is put into the drains is taken away from the fish that need it now but last the voice of the voters of color jay might start being heard. the first time in fifty here is the rules will contain a point on maintaining biodiversity in the river will still have a chance to bring the volga battle. lionfish. meaning that the mighty vulgar is treated with the respect it deserves.
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on september the seventh they seemed twelve a quarter of a million men stood on this field waiting to decide the fate of the russian empire it was the bloodiest single day battle of the entire napoleonic wars and now two centuries on the soldiers are back to do it all again. in just under two hours the fighting here will be over but several days now more than three thousand men women and children have left the twenty first century behind to plunge headlong into the nineteenth. they've come to this small rural area just one hundred twenty kilometers from moscow to win a splendid uniforms find them muskets and launch daring cavalry charges.


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